Religious Freedom

The American family and community is on a decline because no one wants to trust and lean on anyone. Our lack of values has torn us apart. We must stop working against each other and start working together. If we would simply treat our neighbors as family, unity would spring forth. By being more collective, we will depend on each other to live and less on the government. As children of God we are happiest with strong friendships, family, and community. I will work hard to make sure the values our country was built on are cherished and everyone is able to worship freely.

Right to Bear Arms

I do not believe in any restrictions on our right to bear arms. The Constitution is the only permit we need to defend ourselves. The Founding Fathers wisely amended our Constitution to safeguard us from the overreach of the federal government. It is wrong when the media and those in government who seek to take guns away from law-abiding citizens cherry pick tragedies as a reason to infringe on our rights. I will fight against any attempts at restrictions on our 2nd Amendment rights, no matter who is trying take our guns away. 

Protecting Babies

Supporting life means advocating for the protection and preservation of human life from the moment of conception. Every human being, regardless of their stage of development, has the inherent right to life. By choosing alternatives to abortion, such as adoption or fostering a supportive environment, we can promote a culture that values and cherishes every individual, providing them with the opportunity to experience the beauty and potential of life.